OSCES Gynaecology

  • ONTD


    You are about to meet Ms Jane London who underwent normal delivery of a live male infant 2 days ago at a gestation of 38 weeks…However, the baby was born with a large open lumbo-sacral spina bifida.

  • casehistory

    Gynaecological Case History

    The case history and care of a gynaecological patient. The relevant clinical information and questions will be presented to you by the examiner in four parts

  • infertilitycouple

    Couple referred for infertility

    Mr and Mrs Jones have come to see you in the general gynaecology clinic. You have no notes available but the clinic sister has been able to give you a print out of their results, which are all normal except for a progesterone of 18 picomol/litre, as well as the previous clinic letter from another registrar…

  • cannabis_user

    booking visit of a 17 year old cannabis user

    The booking visit of a 17 year old woman P1 (adopted) who is a cannabis user. She has already met her community midwife and the referral to you simply states that she smokes cannabis and that she had a normal birth at 35 weeks gestation two years previously.

  • screening_pass

    Antenatal screening pass

    You are about to see a woman in ANC who has just had a first trimester scan. The nuchal translucency is increased, increasing the risk of T21 to 1 in 20.

  • labourward

    Labour Ward

    You are the labour ward Reg arriving for work in a level 2 unit (obstetric and neonatal) delivering 3500 women per year…

  • screening_fail

    Antenatal screening Fail

    You are about to see a woman in ANC who has just had a first trimester scan. The nuchal translucency is increased, increasing the risk of T21 to 1 in 20. She is a Para 1 + 1 26 year old women with no past medical history of note. However her son has cerebral palsy…

  • hypothyroidism

    Hypothyroidism in pregnancy

    You are about to see a 28 year old primip with treated hypothyroidism (secondary to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) in the antenatal clinic. It’s a booking consultation. Describe your management for the pregnancy and how you would counsel the patient.

  • Maternal VBAC Request

    Maternal VBAC Request

    You are the registrar in antenatal clinic and your patient is a 40 year old Para 2, with a history of two previous caesarean sections, performed in another hospital.